Monday, November 14, 2011

Coop top exec backs up water district's conversion

Friday, November 11, 2011

FORMER senator Butch Aquino, who chairs the Philippine Coop Center (PCC), expressed support on the move to convert the Cagayan de Oro Water District (COWD) into a cooperative.

Aquino, who guests the National Peace Forum at the Lim Ket Kai Atrium in Cagayan de Oro Friday, said placing COWD under the umbrella of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) would mean advantageous to the water consumers.

COWD is currently under the supervision of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) -- with organizational structure does not recommend rights of the consumers to avail dividends and right of the general assembly to appoint a general manager and board officials.

It was also learned that COWD board officials or the LWUA can appoint a general manager to man the water provider. The city or town mayor appoints the board chairman and board officials.

In a press conference held during the CDA-Northern Mindanao-hosted forum, Aquino emphasized the need of COWD's conversion, as water rates are possibly regulated and controlled by the general assembly and not directly "maneuvered" by the management and the board officials for "personal gains."

Should the move succeed, Aquino suggested that the First Community Cooperative (Ficco) may take over the operation of the COWD.

With almost P4.59 billion in assets, Ficco, he added, is a well established and a stable cooperative that could effectively run the general operation of the COWD including the technical aspect and the regulation of water rates.

Supposing COWD is already converted, he said, the water provider's customers enjoy lower charges due to the cooperative's privilege on tax exemption that would bring in collection surplus which will then be scheduled to be returned to the consumers in the form of patronage refund. (Nicole J. Managbanag/Loui S. Maliza)

Published in the Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro newspaper on November 12, 2011. 

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